DO NOT FILE A RENEWAL IF YOUR DBA REGISTRATION HAS EXPIRED. WE WILL CHARGE YOU $9.00 TO ISSUE REFUND. If your DBA registration has expired, you need to file to register a new DBA. Renewals cannot be filed for expired registrations.
If the owner of the DBA is a Corporation, LLC, LP, etc., list the name of the company below. If the owner is a person / persons, skip this section.
If you listed a Corporation, LLC, LP, etc. as owner above, leave the section below blank. If the owner is a person / persons, complete the section below.
** Florida Registrations encourages all new businesses to speak with a tax professional about the tax implications of their business IMMEDIATELY after forming your business.
I, the party submitting this form verify that I have read and understand the Terms of Service and allow Florida Registrations to file the above information with the appropriate state agency, under my name.